One New Earth
News • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
Become part of a movement to save the world!  Join me at one new earth and share this message far and wide! It is time that the people of the world be united!
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Live Streamed on May 23, 2024 10:01 PM ET
May 23, 2024

Judge Bronson Brown will the the judge for the Unlawful Detainer against me. He claims to be for the people! Let's see what happens and no matter what, you will hear the truth from me with evidence. I do not lie and am telling the truth in my case. Let's hope and pray he makes the right choice here.

Find out some new information on my case, the state of the country, world, and how we can effectively move in unison to shut down this system that is trying to take over. The truth of the matter is that these people have ZERO AUTHORITY OVER US! But what they do have is the power of the crooked courts and the gun. Trump has been trying to show us that our court system is completely corrupt! It's time to BANG THE DRUM of FREEDOM and shine a light on the criminality of our system. Also EXCITING THINGS HAPPENING... can't wait to share it with you! Become Part of a Movement to Save the World!

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June 14, 2022
Hi I’m Kat with One New Earth - O.N.E.

Click on the video below to find out a little bit about me and my mission for the children.

I am putting out a call to action to all parents. Please protect your children!!! Do not allow them to be groomed sexually, turned into racists, and social justice warriors who are dumbed down, brainwashed and conditioned. We need to take the reins and never again allow the government to do what they’ve done to our children. It is literally a crime against humanity.

For more information or if you would like to contact me directly, please visit my website of truth at:

It is time that we take back our sovereignty. 💪🏼🙌🏻🌎

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